Born and raised in Venezuela, Ramon has developed many skills and talents due to working a variety of jobs after graduating high school, including positions in the construction industry and as a police officer in Venezuela. In search of a better life, he traveled by land from Colombia with his friend Juan Carlos to seek asylum as economic refugees. He has lived at the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake City homeless shelter for the last two months, working day jobs to send remittances back to his family at home. Ramon dreams of creating stronger systems of mutual aid and community support, here and back in Venezuela as well. A Catholic, Ramon has a strong faith in God.
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3

Ramon is a fighter who was born in Venezuela, Acarigua, where he grew up with his family that still resides there. He graduated from high school and, at a young age, worked different jobs in the commercial sector, as well as in construction, and for a police agency while still in Venezuela.

After realizing he wasn’t making enough wages for a prosperous life, Ramon decided to migrate to the United States with the goal of finding more stability in his life. Through Ramon’s faith, grit, and resilience, the sacrifices he made to get to this country have paid off in his eyes. Although he is still experiencing homelessness while sometimes staying at the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake, Ramon’s perseverance has allowed him to get to this point in life. He believes it is what will allow him to continue down the path of fulfilling his dreams in the United States. He is ready and willing to take on any opportunity head on and has seen enough in his life that he is rarely taken back by a challenge or, as he stated, “rarely scared” by one.

One of Ramon’s main goals once he becomes more financially stable is to not only help his family out with remittances, but to also help other individuals that are struggling and needing a home and something to eat. He’d like to do more for his community locally and also back in Venezuela one day. Ramon expressed his desire for there to be more social services locally where government resources more directly address not only housing issues, but also the emotional, psychological, and physical toll that is inseparably linked to homelessness and the natural result of living on the streets. He believes addressing all these issues would lead to less recidivism and more success for individuals that are struggling.
Ramon only wishes that he had some more guidance through a mentorship that could show him the initial ropes of a profession where he could take off from there. In Utah, he is currently working in landscaping and construction, however, he expressed the disadvantage of having inconsistent work as a result of the winter months ahead and is looking for something more stable. Ramon has a strong faith and one of his favorite quotes from the Bible is, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3